To the grandmother we adored, When I think of all you have witnessed and experienced in your 92 years, one thing stands out that I have learned from you: W e can hold both sorrow and joy together. I know others will talk about your incredible hospitality, your enduring patience for everyone’s stories on those many long phone calls, your love to laugh, your super tight hugs, your faithful prayers, your love for the gospel, and your deep desire to win people to Christ. Indeed, those must be highlighted for they encompass your life’s work of loving others as Christ loves and drawing others to Him. As we bear witness to the fruit of your life, we celebrate and give thanks for your faithfulness. But when I think of the quieter details of your life, I remember how you experienced so much heartache, tragedy, and loss. Beloved husband. Taken by cancer at age 58. Beloved son. Only 24 years with him. Your days weren't easy, and your burdens were many. Only you and the Lord knew the true dep...
I keep picturing my tender Jesus who kneels low with arms wide open, smiling into their faces and resting his hand on their touselled hair, "Let the little children come to me..." How his heart must break to watch people claiming his name, exercising their free will, as they loudly, passionately, and ... often gracelessly ... shout "PRO LIFE!" yet turn around in hypocrisy to vote, support, and campaign for their love of guns, their personal rights and freedom to carry the weapons that so frequently and intentionally are used to snuff out the life of another. Last week, 10 innocent grocery shoppers. Peaceful worshippers were shot in a church. Yesterday? Two adults and 19 elementary children. Nineteen. The ages of my 3 kids. God have mercy. Oh, how we weep and rage. Their tiny bodies. The unfathomable pain. It doesn't have to be this way. HOW can it continue to be this way?! Miss me with your pro-life marches if you're not wi...